Features to Check While Choosing a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

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Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm. More than 1,500 different cryptocurrencies are in circulation, and the total market cap is over $300 billion. Forbes states cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money that’s based on blockchain technology. 

There is a heavy demand for crypto trading platforms. So, if you are looking for a platform to trade cryptocurrencies, you need to be careful. Not all platforms are the same.

The following article will discuss the features you should look for when choosing a cryptocurrency trading platform like Swyftx.

1) Check The Volume Of Trading On The Platform

Some platforms might have more volume than others. That’s because you can easily buy or sell cryptocurrencies on such platforms whenever you want to—the more the trading volume, the better for you as a trader. 

Exchanges with high volumes provide liquidity and tight spreads, making it easy for traders to get in and out of positions. Liquidity means you can sell or buy your assets whenever you want to.

Tight spreads refer to the difference between the bid and ask prices. For example, if you want to buy a cryptocurrency at $100, but you can only get it at $103, the spread is three dollars.

The higher the spreads, the harder it is to profit from your trades. So, you should always check the volume of trading on a platform before signing up.

2) Check The Number Of Cryptocurrencies Available

Some cryptocurrency trading platforms do not support all cryptocurrencies. For example, you might find a platform that only supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. When choosing a platform like Swyftx to trade on, you should check the number of cryptocurrencies supported.

Some trending cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Dash, and Monero. You should make sure the platform you choose supports these cryptocurrencies. Otherwise, you might not be able to trade them.

You should also check the number of tokens supported. Many platforms support ERC20 tokens. These are Ethereum-based tokens that different companies have created. The tokens are used for specific purposes like paying for services or products.

3) Check The Fees Charged By The Platform

When choosing a cryptocurrency trading platform, you should check the fees charged. Some platforms charge high fees for trading and withdrawing funds. The higher the fees, the less profit you make on your trades.

Some platforms charge a fee for storing your cryptocurrencies on their platform. Make sure you are aware of all the fees charged by the platform before signing up. Also, check if there are any additional costs.

Choosing the right cryptocurrency trading platform is essential if you want to make money from trading cryptocurrencies.

4) Check If The Platform Is User-Friendly

If the trading platform is not user-friendly, it will be difficult for you to trade. You might end up losing money. So, while choosing a platform to trade on, make sure it is user-friendly.

If you are a new trader, it is best to use a simple trading platform. 

  • You can buy or sell cryptocurrencies at the click of a button.
  • The platform provides you with real-time updates on market movements, prices, and news.
  • You can easily create charts for analyzing the market. Some user-friendly features include:


Cryptocurrency trading platforms are becoming increasingly popular. If you want to trade cryptocurrencies, it is essential to choose a platform that offers the best features in the market.
